See you at Defrag!
by Seth Levine

Several years ago, along with conference veteran Eric Norlin, we started Defrag – a conference designed to bring together a group of technologists to talk about the challenges around increasing fragmentation of data online and the tools and technologies that are being developed to make sense out of this data mess. We strongly believe that rather than sitting on the sideline watching and listening to the conversation taking place within the markets we care about that we should be actively facilitating and participating in that discussion (Defrag sits at the intersection of our Implicit Web and Protocol themes). In October we’ll be holding our third edition of Defrag and we’re extremely excited about how the conference is coming together.
Eric has been a great partner to work with on Defrag as well as our Glue Conference in the spring. The post below is a great example of why we love working with him and the passion that we all feel about the conferences we’re involved with. At the end is a special offer on registration. We’d strongly encourage you to join us at the event and the offer below is the best discount going (but note that it ends on Wed). See you at Defrag!
Defrag’s September Special
Originally posted by Eric Norlin on the Defrag Blog, September 28
I’ve been getting a lot of requests as of late regarding a discount for Defrag – and we’re going to oblige by running a special for the last three days of September (Monday through Wednesday), but I awoke this morning wondering what I should say about coming to defrag.
And then it hit me…
I really do take this personally. There’s no such thing as “it’s just business” in my world. Every last detail, every small minute thing, every single attendee’s experience — they matter to me. I can tell you every piece of “constructive feedback” I received after last year’s show. Hell, I can tell you who said it, where they work (then and now), and what *exactly* they said (because I’ve got it right here in front of me). Why? Because it all matters. Because it’s not just business. Because Defrag isn’t a “job” for me; it’s a passion.
You will never see me start a conference because there’s a “market” to tap. I start conferences because I think there’s a problem to solve. Because there’s a need.
Add those two paragraphs together and what do you get? A really different experience at Defrag — because it’s not just business. Because we take this personally.
Alright, enough of that — here’s the special: Use the code “septspecial1″ anytime between now and end of the day on wednesday and you’ll receive $300 off of the Defrag registration. That makes us the best value going, and it makes this the best price you’re going to find.
Don’t delay, wait or hesitate – register today.