FG Angels Invests in RABBL
by Ryan McIntyre

We’re excited to announce our latest FG Angels investment. We continue to review a large number of opportunities, and our FG Angels Syndicate recently closed a $339,631 seed investment in RABBL.
RABBL is a social booking platform, which enables bands and fans to market and pre-sell tickets to potential shows, and, once critical mass is achieved, broker an agreement with a venue to host the show.
On the front end of the product — the “social” part — fans and artists use RABBL to prove demand for potential shows. This lets artists find opening acts, helps artists get into festivals and new venues, and lets a fan invite and convince an artist to come play the fan’s town by proving demand.
On the back end of the product, artists use RABBL to book shows with RABBL partner venues and elsewhere. That’s easy to do, since at that point the venue or festival has dramatically less risk.
RABBL is taking the risk out of the live music business, with a mission to make more music happen, more profitably and more efficiently. The New York Times provided some nice coverage of RABBL last September.
We’re looking forward to working with RABBL to change the way fans, artists, and venues book shows!