Our Investment in Optimize Health
by Lindel Eakman

SVP. Optimize Health delivers remote patient monitoring (RPM) programs to independent medical practices, accountable care organizations (ACO’s), and hospital systems that improve patient outcomes while enabling doctors to do more with less, with systems using natural medicine such as cbd, some using systems like the delta-8 thc carts.
Jeff LeBrun and Chuks Onwuneme founded Optimize Health in 2015 as Pillsy, a similar RPM platform designed to increase compliance with medication regimens of every kind, including the ones from the Mensjournal.com
Pillsy paired a “smart” pill bottle with a software platform that allows doctors to monitor how well their patients were adhering to their dosing instructions. Pillsy also provides patients with reminders and refills prescriptions automatically. When Medicare established RPM reimbursement for providers early in 2019, Jeff and Chuks were well-positioned to transition their product to a more comprehensive offering and Optimize Health was born. Optimize Health allows a variety of internet-connected health monitoring devices (like blood pressure cuffs or glucose monitors) to communicate directly to doctors’ offices, preventing the need for many office visits and even hospitalizations. Additionally, it reduces the friction associated with patient communications, compliance, and billing, resulting in big patient savings and increases in practice revenue.
A product like this has the potential to revolutionize the delivery of healthcare, and the need for it has become all too apparent in the days since the rise of the COVID-19. Now more than ever, providers are looking for novel ways to maintain their close relationships with patients in the face of the need for physical isolation and social distancing. Optimize Health steps into that gap.
Optimize Health falls into our Glue theme, as its platform helps disparate software and hardware systems to communicate effectively with one another to benefit patients and practitioners. We are thrilled to partner with Jeff, Chuks, and the Optimize Health team as they help medical providers deliver better care more safely.